I have spoken of Petey my bird dog..I failed to speak of my Siamese Cat who is the cat in this video reincarnated. I got this cat, named "Fluffy" (there is your first clue)' because a good friend of mine had to put all her cats outside (story to be told in future blogs). That friend gave me Bianca, the cool mellow cat, 4 years ago when I still lived in an apartment. I kept her and have enjoyed her for years and still enjoy her company. Then I bought my house. On the day that I moved in, my friend (who helped me move) said, "I got another cat for you..she will be an outdoor cat..no problem and she needs a good home". Of course I said, "Cool bring her over"...because I have no backbone when it comes to animals and friends. What I discovered later was that the cat was being "evicted" from its current home because it was too mean. It was chasing all the other cats away from the home. HMM..guard cat cometh to Erin.
Thus came Fluffy. Fluffy, came to the Espinosa home, and disappeared for like three weeks. I was terrified. I didn't know how to explain to my friend that I lost her cat, yet I was at peace with the fact that this cat had gone away and I did not have to deal with it. The Sunday after the cat was introduced to my life, I started trying to figure out my innocence but sincere apologies statement to my friend who graciously "gave" me the critter.
Life was not that simple. On Sunday, my cousin came over. She asked "where is Fluffy, that cat that Judy and Pat gave you?" I said, "I don't know, but that thing wasn't right in the head...I gotta figure out how to tell Judy it's gone..can you help me?"
My cousin: "Hell NO!!!! Where is that poor cat. I will find it and it WILL not be an outdoor cat again. No animal deserves to be forgotten. How dare you, ERIN, you say you care about wayward kids, yet you will let this cat just go on with out a family. Who are you?"
Erin: "Fine, find the cat. If you do..you take care of it..I can't... I travel too much."
Cousin: "Found her..she is now an indoor cat. Good night. Grandma would be proud".
Now, I have this cool kitty who shows me attitude every time I turn around. But what I have come to realize is that everyone, including animals, should be afforded the ability to be individuals and respected for that. This cat, as well as people in my life, have truly challenged me and my ability to be me.....but the ultimate lesson that I have learned is that life only hands you experiences that you are capable of and should handle. That includes encounters with folks and situations that are out of your comfort zone but, in their own right inspirational.
This cat is the most annoying animal I could have ever had in my home, but once I figured out her communication pattern, needs, and desires, we are now the best of friends. In fact, my dog would be lost with out her. If I take Fluffy to the vet with out Petey, he freaks out looking for her and when she comes home, does nothing less than serve her dinner and champagne. Life is a very interesting dynamic of experiences and supports. I hope that my life continues with the Fluffy's of the world!.